Legal bases
Law no. 43/2015 on the Power Sector (Albanian)
Law no. 43/2015 on the Power Sector ( EN )
Provisional Electricity Market Rules (EN)
Albanian Electricity Market Rules (EN)
Albanian Electricity Balancing Market Rules (EN)
SEE CAO set of rules (EN)
Regulation on Procedures and Terms for License Issuance, Modification, Transfer, Renewal or Termination in the Power Sector (EN)
Regulation on the Approval of the Regulatory Fees (EN)
Regulation on the Procedure of Electricity Market Registration (EN)
Rules on electricity market monitoring (Albanian)
Rules on electricity market monitoring (EN)
Rules on Financial Guarantees of the Participants for Electricity Market Registration (Albanian)
Rules on Financial Guarantees of the Participants for Electricity Market Registration (EN)
Methodology on assessing the Readiness of the day-ahead electricity trading
Useful documents:
Application form for trading license (EN)
Instructions for license application (EN)
Template for License for Electricity Trading Activity (EN)
REMIT approved by ERE Board Decision 2021 (EN) – application forms enclosed to the Regulation
Tariffs and prices approved by ERE (Albanian)
(Decision no.696 of the Council of Minister “ on the role and responsibilities of RES Energy Operator”).